Airoh Chin Curtain GP500


Helmet spares Airoh Chin Curtain GP500

Chin curtain for your full face helmet Airoh GP500 and GP550 S.

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Customer reviews

Overall rating Based on 1 review 5.0
Quality/Price ratio 4.0
100% of reviewers would recommend this to a friend Write a review
13 July, 2024 Verified buyer from S Yorks, Rides a Sports Motorcycle enthusiast
Product review: The full item It's a bit expensive for not much material but, other than that, fine. Service/assistance and delivery all good. The picture is a bit misleading. The product includes the hard plastic parts, plus the material part that protects you from the wind. All good, thanks.
Recommendation Yes, I would recommend this product to a friend.
Service review Great stuff.
Overall rating 5
Quality/Price ratio 4

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